Saturday, 23 March 2013

Do you believe you will be rewarded for your sacrifices?

by Randy Tudy

This afternoon I attended a graduation party of the eldest daughter of my childhood friend, Anelyn. Actually, all her sisters and brother were my childhood friends because were were neighbors.  When their family transferred residence we never saw it each other again for may be 30 years already.  I recently had contact with Anelyn through Facebook.  She and her family lived in Davao City, around 5 hours of travel from our hometown, Mapawa, Maragusan, Comval Province.

The celebration was festive. The room was filled with family members, relatives and friends.  Moreover, the celebration became more meaningful because the center of the celebration, Queenie, graduated as a Cum Laude at Ateneo de Davao University, one of the prestigious schools in the Philippines.

I came to the celebration upon the invitation Analyn and learning of her mother’s attendance.  I also wanted to see my childhood friends.  Erlinda, the mother , was a former teacher in our barrio’s only elementary school.  Although I was not under her I knew their family.

What I could remember most was how Maam Erlinda struggled to meet the needs of the family because she raised them alone. It was may be one big reason why they have transferred residence to look for better pasture.

To make the long story short, Maam Erlinda went to Canada and last Monday came home for the big celebration.

The moment I saw her I immediately recognized.  I was surprised.  She seemed not getting older.  Her face was glowing and really showed happiness and contentment.  Then I met my childhood friends with their children.

They were a still a happy family.  They remained simple. But I could see that Maam Erlinda was happier.  She is a very successful mother.  I saw it in her eyes.  Her happiness was contagious which led me to reflect on the goodness of God to her and the whole family.

Indeed, God rewards people who are committed to make their dreams come true.  He blesses those who trust in Him. He never loses sight those who struggle but find ways to maximize His blessings.
I even imagine myself in the person of Ma'am Erlina.  I look forward to the day when I just look back and smile at the struggles I went through but most importantly enjoy  on the blessings of God. 

Reflecting on the life of Ma'am Erlinda  I learn about patience.  Raising her children alone was not a joke.  She did everything she could and I’m sure there were so many down moments in her life.

I learn about perseverance.  She never quit.  Her children were her inspiration.  Going to Canada, she said, was a blessing because she was able to extend help to her children.

I learn about love of God.  Just seeing her happy and watching her children and grandchildren gathered together, I believe she is blessed.

This week is graduation week in the Philippines.  This is one of the happiest weeks for parents whose children are graduating.  Graduation is a testament of God’s unconditional love for His people.  The diploma symbolizes His grace and blessings.

Friends, whatever situation you are in now, whatever struggles you are encountering now, be strong.  In the end, you will just look back and smile.  Your reward is ready because you have a compassionate, caring, loving and compassionate God.

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