Wednesday 13 February 2013


by Randy Tudy
Today is Ash Wednesday.  It is the beginning of Lent, a 40-day season of prayer, penance and charity.

The second reading of today's readings comes from the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians.  He began by saying "Brothers and sisters, we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God is appealing through us."

These are very powerful words- AMBASSADORS for Christ. What does it really mean?

In his homily during today's mass, Fr. Rico Dingal, DCD spoke about loving the unlovable.  This is what it means to be an ambassador- to love the unlovable.  Indeed, it is not an easy task.  However, Fr. Rico offered a solution.  He said to love the unlovable one should know the story of that person.  

Many times in my mission as a teacher I encountered a number of students who seem to be the most problematic within the class.  There are students who are the topics in our discussion at the canteen or at the faculty lounge. These are common scenario in all schools.  As a human being, I have the tendency to easily like the intelligent, good-looking and well-behaved students.  The naughty ones are given less importance.

This bias changed when I became a professed brother trying to live up to the core value of our congregation which is compassion.  However, compassion only became possible when I started listening to the stories of these students.  I've come to know why they behave differently in school because they are carrying so much burden caused by personal and family problems.

When one listens, understanding sits in.  Compassion follows.
Listening and understanding are two competencies for Christ's ambassadors while compassion is charity in action.  

As we celebrate the season of Lent, let us be reminded that we are ambassadors of Christ's compassion to those in need of our listening heart and understanding mind.  

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